Today is your day Boomer! Staying brain sharp Boomers? It could lead to a happier and longer life, and this is one way to do it! Go back to school....I mean, college or university. And not to get a degree or qualify for a job, but simply for interest sake. Yes, expand your mind and continue your journey as a life-long learner! I did some research and found out that many Canadian universities offer free or partial tuition to seniors. Some offer free, but you have to pay for the books or lab time. It is still a good deal, especially for 100-year-old Miriam Tees who is taking free courses at McGill. She says, "I've taken history courses and literature courses. I took one on the sonnet. Whatever happened to look interesting." And she is not alone and not the oldest student there. About 1000 seniors are enrolled at the Montreal university and the oldest is 101! Meanwhile, Tees wholeheartedly agrees that school is good for her and is living proof that you are never too old to learn. Boomers, sharpen your pencils. Cheers.


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