Today is your day Boomer! We are addicted.....yes, addicted to our cell phones Boomers! But want some words of wisdom from the man who invented this device? He is Martin Cooper from New York who invented the cell phone(originally about the size of a tank!) about 50 years ago. He has major concerns like the invasion of privacy, internet addiction, and making it easy for children to access harmful content. But as expected, the senior is still a visionary. He says "Between the cellphone and medical technology and the Internet, we are going to conquer disease." Like maybe cancer?! He also thinks phones will evolve so that they will be “distributed on your body,” perhaps as sensors “measuring your health at all times.” Batteries could even be replaced by human energy. "The human body is the charging station, right? You ingest food, you create energy. Why not have this receiver for your ear embedded under your skin, powered by your body?” Obviously, Cooper is still a real thinker at age 94, and Boomers, a role model for us....for inspiration, creativity, and innovation. Cheers!


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