Today is your day Boomer! As an elected BC school trustee, it is very disturbing to me to see the newest survey on vaping rates in teens. The latest statistic is, frankly, alarming; in Canada, one in four teens has tried vaping in the past month....and many of those vapes contain nicotine. That is well above the national cigarette use rate of 10% and that number is for all Canadian adults. This means many young people are using vapes as a social outlet instead of a way to gradually quit smoking. It bothers me....bothers me alot because of my education background, but also because I am a father. Here's why. According to the website, "E-cigarette vapour contains a number of toxic chemicals. These same chemicals are found in lead paint, gasoline, embalming liquid, wildfire smoke, vehicle exhaust and cigarettes." So, vaping can't possibly be good for you! By the way, I tried to research vaping stats for Baby Boomers in Canada and all I could find was an American number: .5% of US Boomers over age 65 vape regularly or have tried vaping. Guess it is not a problem for seniors. Boomers, at least we are good role models for the younger kids. Cheers.


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