Today is your day Boomer! If you research the web, like I do, you find some pretty interesting stuff on Baby Boomers. Mostly American articles....but there is a lot out there, almost a fascination I would say with our generation. One of them is Harvard psychiatrist George E. Vaillant who spent 50 years studying aging Americans! This is what he found: the 4 common traits of happy Baby Boomers: (1)Empathy (relating to other people) (2)Engagement (continuing to remain curious about life) (3) Hope (optimism for the future) (4)Gratitude (appreciation for gifts and simple pleasures. And Vaillant is quite a positive guy when he adds: "The big finding is that you actually can teach mature people new tricks. That we can keep changing and improving and becoming happier throughout life. The bad doesn’t have to doom you, but the good can make you.” Okay...then I saw this list/diagram on social media(see picture) and it actually made more sense to me. You choose. Boomers, hopefully this can give you some direction in life. Cheers!


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