Today is your day Boomer! It was something so small, so little....but it made me feel so good! It was a "pay it forward" free coffee at a gas station I received last week on a roadtrip to Vancouver. Some very-kind person left extra money in a jar for a free drink for the next person and that was me! So, what is this "pay it forward" philosophy? According to, "Pay it forward is an expression for when the recipient of an act of kindness does something kind for someone else rather than simply accepting or repaying the original good deed." So, I did some more research and apparently this kindness concept dates way back to 1841 with the Greeks, and has been the focus of two novels and a movie! Since today is Earth Day, it should also be noted that April 28 is Pay It Forward Day and has been around since 2007. Nice! One other thing. Look at the picture diagram and realize that good deeds should be "three-fold" in action, so kindness multiples quickly. For me Boomers, I'll settle for one good deed. Thanks for the coffee, much appreciated, you made my day. Cheers!!


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