Today is your day Boomer! Another study.....another study, maybe I talk about these things too much. But, it is getting hot outside and Boomers, we probably drink a little more in the coming summer season. Well, the latest scientific study is from a reputable source....BC Cancer. “Even though I do think that lots of people, lots of British Columbians know that alcohol has some damaging effect on our health, the knowledge that it causes cancer is actually pretty limited in Canada,” says cancer prevention senior scientist Dr. Cheryl Peters. This is how it works. BC Cancer says alcohol contributes to 7,000 cancer cases in Canada each year. The agency says the body breaks down the alcohol into other chemicals that can cause inflammation or damage to DNA over time. This prevents the body from repairing the damage properly. Okay, this means a recommendation of max two drinks a week. Boomers, can you do it? Two helping ideas include drinking water between alcoholic beverages, and....drinking iced juice with sparkling water instead, especially on a hot day. Good luck.


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