Today is your day Boomer! It is the first big day of boating season in B.C. as the weather warms and Boomers get out onto the water. Our province boasts huge access to water: the vast Pacific Ocean to the west and numerous inland lakes like the large Okanagan Lake. But a warning...a safety warning, as the hot air melts the mountain snow pack and those icey waters reach the lakes. The temperature of Okanagan Lake is just over 10 degrees and is only swimable for a few. It is too cold if you accidently fall-in says a local safety official: "when you jump in either head first or feet first, if you’re not expecting it, what tends to happen is your body will gasp. You’re underwater and you’ll gasp and you’ll suck water into your lungs. At that point, most people panic and then succumb to that panic and they drown.” One Kelowna senior already drowned last week. Other concerns? The usual....too much booze or cannabis mixed with boating and not wearing a life jacket. When it gets warm, people often want to get a sun tan or stay cooler...that means no life vest for some. I see this, especially, with fishermen when I venture out to back-country lakes. Enjoy the water Boomers...but please be boat safe! Cheers.


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