Today is your day Boomer! The Queen of Rock 'n' Roll is gone. Tina Turner died yesterday at her home in Switzerland at the tender age of 83. And while she was not a Baby Boomer(too old!), our generation grew up with her incredible songs, her gritty voice, undying energy, and rebound effect from her abusive marriage. Husband Ike Turner did the worst things possible to Tina over 20 years and she survived and did the impossible....regenerating her fantastic music career in her '40s! According to CTV News, "she sold more than 150 million records worldwide, won 12 Grammys, was voted along with Ike into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame in 1991 (and on her own in 2021 ) and was honoured at the Kennedy Center in 2005, with Beyonce and Oprah Winfrey among those praising her. Her life became the basis for a film, a Broadway musical and an HBO documentary in 2021." It was the songs that defined her though. Remember "What's Love Got To Do With It" and "Better Be Good To Me"? These songs were soooooooo good, but also highlighted the often-hidden issue of domestic abuse in North America. My fav was "Simply The Best".....and she was. Cheers to Tina!


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