Today is your day Boomer! Better get out on the water Boomers before the smoke hits. I went out yesterday with my son on his birthday and we did a little chillin', cruising, swimming, and had a cool drink. Nice day....nice way to spend part of a summer day in June. That got me thinking and researching how active are Boomers in the boating industry? 40 million people live in Canada, we have more boats(234) per 1000 people than any other country in the world. The U.S. sports the most boats at about 16 million of the world total of 33 million. Canada had 12.4 million adult boat riders last year and power boating is now more popular than sailing. How many Boomers engage in boating? The only number I could find was American at about 28%, so I am assuming that about one in every four Boomers like the boating scene; this does not account for the high number of Boomers who engage in paddleboarding, kayaking, and canoeing. Simply put Boomers, we love the water. So, get out there....and don't forget the suntan lotion, lifejackets, sunglasses, and the cold non-alcoholic drinks. Oh, remember it could get smokey soon with forest fire season upon us. Cheers!


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