Today is your day Boomer! Camping season is here....but it will soon change. Yup, campfire bans will likely come into effect as the hot summer weather enters our lives. Many of us Boomers enjoy camping and glamping, but we also like fires for ambience, reading, conversation, cooking, and marshmellow roasting! Here is an alternative to those wood-hot-sparking campfires that are banned in many provincial regions right now in Alberta, BC, and Nova Scotia. Campers are opting for alternatives that don't get the classic smoky-wood campfire but still provide a warm glow. A spokesperson for MEC, the outdoor store, says "for propane fires, all you need is a propane firepit, a propane tank and some gas in it; you can have it; they're fully compliant with fire bans." Yes, it is different. A different smell, no sparks billowing into the sky, but great for NOT starting forest fires! Did you know 40% of forest fires in BC are caused by human activity, like neglected campfires?? Try it Boomers. You can get a cheap one for about $150 plus the cost of a propane tank. Happy camping!


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