Today is your day Boomer! I think we should consider ourselves as pretty lucky Boomers. Most of us are retired and likely retired with a fair bit of money....some good investments and pensions to draw from. Since the onset of COVID and high inflationary times, this is not the case for many aging Canadians. A new survey found that 44 per cent of non-retired Canadians aged 55 to 64 have less than $5,000 in savings....that's less than five grand!.....with one in five from that group saying they have not set anything aside for retirement. Yikes! That is startling, and then add this: "More than half of those surveyed aged 55 to 64 said if inflation keeps rising, they will have to push back their intended retirement date." One more thing as we seem to be heading toward what some analysts call a "retirement crisis": "Despite rising costs, almost 70 per cent of people surveyed said they would take lower pay in exchange for a better pension. Meanwhile, 78 per cent said they believe all employers should be required to contribute in some way towards pensions for workers." Wow, private business likely won't agree with that idea! Count your lucky stars Boomers, if you do have adequate retirement money, and let's hope for a better future. Cheers!


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