Today is your day Boomer! This could be you Boomer...overdoing it, too quick, too much, too soon on the pickleball court? Remember, you are 65....not 25. So, here are the most common pickleball injuries for aging players like us: Extremity injuries: Like many racquet sports, your extremities are most at risk. Many upper extremity injuries are due to overuse and repetitive wear and tear. ...Low back strains...Muscular strains...Ankle sprains...Rotator cuff injuries. Physiotherapist Jen Larsen says "They start the sport, they pick it up, they play it, they're then at the pickleball court five to six days a week, and they're playing for multiple hours, like two, three and four hours a day; Larsen recommends slowly easing into the sport. She says to start with about 30 minutes a day and gradually increasing time played from there. Joint supports, like knee braces, help older players with arthritis issues and Larsen stresses the importance of an active, dynamic warmup before playing, with a focus on lateral movement and footwork. Like any sport Boomers, we cannot overdo it! Be smart and have fun. Cheers!


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