Today is your day Boomer! Good luck finding an air purifier right now Boomers. My wife and I went on a shopping hunt at five different stores yesterday and the shelves were nearly empty. Yup, the forest fires in BC's Southern Interior are creating a thick, depressing smoke-filled environment and people are worried about their health. The same smoke is now spreading to the Lower Mainland. The smoke index is over 10 again today in my Okanagan city and that is considered "hazardous". It means we should be wearing masks outside! Back to air purifiers....if you can't get one, try turning on the fan connected to your furnace and recycle air that way. Our fan has two filters, and no surprise....people are also buying filters in huge numbers. So, get yours quickly. Our new purifier works reduces particles and odor in the air and also acts kind of like a cooling air conditioner. Good luck Boomers. Stay healthy and cheers.


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