Today is your day Boomer! Hats-off to all those firefighters on the front lines in the Okanagan/Shuswap area of BC! For the past week, these courageous men and women have put their lives on the line to hold back massive fires that have destroyed or damaged almost 400 structures. No one died....firefighters or residents, that is a miracle in itself! And as one example, 13 firefighters lost their own homes....including a fire chief on the west side of Kelowna! In other words, they were trying to save other people's houses when theirs were burning! Wow! Imagine the long, dangerous shifts these people put-in over many days. And let's not forget about the local and BC-wide municipal firefighters that did the same thing....some of these men came from as far away as Saanich on Vancouver Island. We thank you soooooo much! And too, the other first responders like ambulance drivers, RCMP, nurses, doctors, and emergency support volunteers. Cheers to you all!


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