Today is your day Boomer! His name is Terry Jantzi and he is another Baby Boomer doing amazing things! The 65-year-old and his friend are attempting a circumnavigation of Prince Edward Island....not by car, but by boat. And not in a big ferry-style vessel, instead, a 20-foot zodiak with a 20 horsepower outboard engine. According to CBC News, Terry has "got a marine navigation app, GPS, electronic gauges, and a friend with more experience tagging along to help him out. For safety purposes, Jantzi says he will keep about 25 litres of fuel on board at any time, allowing for a six-hour contingency in case anything goes wrong. He's also not travelling more than about 5 kilometres offshore." Okay, is not a big fitness workout, but it is still a large challenge and I googled the distance around the island to be over 500 km! Boomers doing Boomer demanding tests. I like it! Good luck Terry and cheers!


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