Today is your day Boomer! Sometimes I get a little frustrated with technology....the constant changes, the updates, knowing both hard and software, and all the applications. It is a lot and many Boomers, I'm sure, are in the same boat. And then there are the criticisms we get from younger generations (see picture!) who seem to know so much more and sometimes think we are just ignornant! According to ChatGTP (another new aspect of AI technology), here are some reasons why Boomers may struggle with new technology: "One reason is that they may not have grown up with technology and may find it difficult to learn. Additionally, some baby boomers may not see the need for technology in their daily lives, or may be concerned about the potential for technology to be used for nefarious purposes. Additionally, the cost of technology can also be a barrier for some baby boomers. Finally, some boomers may have limited access to technology because of mobility or vision problems." Okay, some good reasons to consider.....but ultimately, I think it is a very personal thing. Welcoming and using tech varies from person to person; for example, one can ultimately choose to read a paper book or an on-line version. One could also opt for an E-book and listen for hours on a road trip. Don't worry Boomers, we shouldn't be judged on this. We are, afterall, a transition generation....we are surrounded by incredible change and it is hard to keep up. Cheers!


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