Today is your day Boomer! That huge, huge day arrived for me last month.....I got my first Old Age Pension(OAS) cheque, an astounding 698 dollars! Now for you Boomers under the age of 65, here are a few OAS facts to get you caught up to speed:(1) you can choose to take your OAS at a later age (2) you will get inflationary raises (3) you can get your money by paper cheque or e-transfer (4) the amount goes up by $100 at age 75 (5) if you make too much money, you will get a reduced OAS cheque (6) we don't know yet if the Conservatives will raise the OAS age to 67 if they get elected. (7) You may or may not need to apply for OAS; for me, it was automatic. There you go, and there I go now with three pension cheques every month: OAS, CPP, and my teachers pension. I am very lucky! Hope you are too. Good luck!


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