Today is your day Boomer! Can it really be true Boomers? Are Canadians starting to say NO to alcohol? It seems so. According to Statistics Canada, Canadians are purchasing less alcohol than they did the previous year, and many factors are at play. From shifts in weather patterns to the allure of non-alcoholic alternatives and concerns raised by the World Health Organization regarding the link between alcohol and cancer, it’s clear that the landscape of Canadian drinking habits is evolving. Just look at the numbers: according to the latest Retail Sales Update from Ottawa, Canada’s liquor and beer sales continue to show a slowdown, down 0.9% from May to June 2023. Sales are also down 2.8% from last year, a notable drop, while cannabis sales surged by 3.3%. Hmmm...we are drinking less and smoking more pot, or eating marijuana products like candy and cookies. Boomers, it seems our culture is gradually changing. Maybe it is generational?! Thoughts?


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