Today is your day Boomer! More thoughts from me on our recent camping trip to the Rockies. My wife and I did a six-day journey through some wonderful scenic country....with a travel trailer...and all I can say is expect the unexpected. For all the preparation we did, we simply forgot four important items....including my knee brace which would have helped on our hiking days. Bring an extra quality-charged battery if you are dry camping. Bring an extra full propane tank in case you use too much or it gets cold. Expect higher gas costs when pulling a trailer and slower travelling times than what it says on Google. Provincial campsites in BC offer half-price camping rates for seniors, which is good, but some campgrounds are already closed for the season! Bring a tire gauge and air-pressure pump in case your tires need filling in the middle of nowhere. Anticipate extra camping costs like $10 now for a bundle of firewood and $20 for a daily pass to Canada's national parks like Banff and Yoho. We also got hit with a fire permit cost of 10$ at a campsite in Alberta! You know...camping is great Boomers, but little things do go wrong. Our hot water system stopped working during our trip and last time it was mice and faulty tires. My advice is "go with the flow", keep a positive attitude, and enjoy your holiday in the great outdoors. Cheers!


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