Today is your day Boomer! Sorry readers, I was away on vacation for a week....but I did get some perspective on the price of gas during my camping trip. I spent about $600 pulling my travel trailer through the Kootenays to Calgary, then back to BC again through Banff and the TransCanada Highway. Is it fair that I paid only $1.40/litre for fuel in Alberta, but at least 40-50 cents more per litre in BC? I understand we have way more taxes in our province then they do in Alberta, but the difference seems astounding to me! And it is even worse in BC's Lower Mainland where gas is over $2.00/litre. I know, I know...add in extra rapid transit tax. And now I know why many Albertans drive faster than BC people, they can afford to!! Sorry, that is a generalization....I meant "some" Alberta drivers. More vacation thoughts and stories from me in the next few days Boomers. Happy driving. What a gas!


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