Today is your day Boomer! Today is the first day of autumn as we rid ourselves of summer forest fires, drought, and heat. And, now....we can look forward to crisp, cooler days and crisp, cool apples! Yes, it is the start of apple harvest in my neck of the woods(Okanagan Valley), and it is simply awesome! The varieties to choose from: Ambrosia, Honeycrisp, Gala, Jonogold....just to name a few. The reasonable prices, the freshness, the taste, the apple crisp desserts, the juice, the cider, that first bite....yummmmmmmmm!! To me, it is the best time of year. Don't forget to wash your apples, keep them cool in the fridge, and eat them every day. I usually have a big one for lunch and/or slices with my toast in the morning. By the way, if you keep them outside....don't let them freeze. Boomers, apples are also good for our health with lots of natural sugars and fibre. Remember, "an apple a day keeps the doctor away!" Cheers.


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