Today is your day Boomer! I recently spent three nights and four days at a beautiful hot springs resort in the BC Kootenays. My time with friends and family included lots of soaks, fishing, walks, great food and drink, and evening board games. It reminded me of one of our favourite Boomer songs from the Canadian rock band Trooper..."We're Here For a Good Time (Not a Long Time)" which came out in 1977. Check out some of the lyrics in the picture and try not to start singing! Then I accidently came upon more research. The song name now means something different in the new-famous Urban Dictionary; on some dating sites, it means I want to hook-up for casual sex. Oh. Boomers, we better be careful on how we use this expression. Remember, as we age, a number of things we used to say from the good ol' days are not understandable and used anymore by younger generations. Beware Boomers and cheers.


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