Today is your day Boomer! I guess it had to happen....a bar without booze Boomers. Yes, it opens in Kelowna, BC on December 1st and features all the drinks you may want WITHOUT alcohol. That includes so-called "virgin" drinks, like a Virgin Tom Collins, and of course non-alcohol beer and wine. Owner Alex Viol says "We’ll have the ambiance, music, drinks, wine bar lighting and glasses … all the good stuff from a bar, without the downside of alcohol that can kill the mood.” It seems more and more like the way of the future as medical experts say we should be drinking much less booze and people are choosing healthier options. Viol adds "Our collaborative team is always looking to push boundaries and bring something new to the table." The bar is called SOBAR and, by the way, it will only be open in the evenings. It is not meant to be available for kids. Good luck SOBAR; hopefully lots of Boomers who like a good drink with atmosphere will give it a try. Cheers!!


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