Today is your day Boomer! I see our BC Health Officer, Bonnie Henry, is being sued by some fired health care workers who refused to get the COVID vaccine. I see the hospital situation is so bad in Surrey that a portable is now being used beside the major buildings; I see more Canadians are heading south to America for surgeries because wait lists are so long here; I see some emergency departments going through temporary closures due to lack of employees....I see a lot of problems. But...I also see many good things in our health care system because good news often doesn't get in the media. One year ago this month, I had major heart valve surgery and have now fully recovered. I can breathe normally again on hikes with my family...what a relief! Other family members or friends have had very successful knee surgeries with a very short waiting period and a hip surgery with no lasting ill effects! Meanwhile, millions of British Columbians are protecting themselves with free COVID and flu shots this fall! Boomers, my point is the health care system isn't totally just needs more money and more efficiencies. Cheers!


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