Today is your day Boomer! Two news stories from the past few months illustrate the importance of taking a dog with you out hiking. Two Boomer males, in their early 70's, died on isolated mountainous hiking in Colorado and one in Arizona...and both had dogs with them that somehow survived! The most recent story was a man who was missing for 7 weeks and his pet was found lying beside him....alive! But what can a dog do...say...if you suffer a stroke or heart attack on a lonely trail? Well, overnight warmth for one as man and dog can sleep together; also, a dog can carry extra water, food, and a signal device so searchers can find the victim as quickly as possible. Dog lovers will also attest to this aspect: dogs are very loyal and will provide comfort, companionship, and a sense of security if a hiker is alive, awake, but not able to move. As well, a dog can help fend off potential predators like bears. Boomers, hiking alone....not a good idea, I think. But telling people your route, having a sat. phone or homing device, and a big furry friend will definitely help! Happy hiking. Cheers!


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