Today is your day Boomer! We are all seeking warmth and comfort as the cold days of November begin. In the news, I see homeless camps burning up because of issues like fires and propane burners inside tents. I see people out cutting firewood as they attempt a few last loads before the first big snow. And I see critters trying to get inside buildings and establishing winter nests....critters like mice and rats! Do you live in any of these B.C. cities (check the photo)? Vancouver, Burnaby, and Kelowna are 1,2,3 respectively with Victoria a close 4th. Nationally, Toronto is worst of all with Vancouver second. Boomers, get out your traps...whatever you do to rid your home of these invading rodents.....or contact an extermination company. They might be pretty busy though. By the way, don't forget your vehicles. Rodents like to curl up inside warm engine compartments and even, dashboards. Better check regularly. The only good "rat" I know is Brad Marchand, the captain of the Boston favourite hockey team! Cheers.


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