Today is your day Boomer! I find myself researching and writing my blog at 6:20 this morning. Sounds kind of early for a semi-retired person, right? Weren't we supposed to sleep in and enjoy a relaxed start to our retirement days Boomers? Yes, but........guess what, we are busy! A new study has found that nearly half of us get up at 6:00 and kickstart our day with some pretty important activities. The top three are (1) check e-mail (2) read/watch the news (3) plan our day. And most of us are pretty active. I'll give you one example of a day I had last week; coffee/breakfast and a hot tub in the morning, then coffee with friends, 2 hours of pickleball, home for lunch/chores and puppy playtime, a one-hour Zoom meeting in the late afternoon, dinner, and a basketball referee game in the early evening. That is a big day! I slept well until the puppy woke me up at 4am and the process started all over again. This blog shows it. We, Boomers, live energetic and vigorous lives and WE LIKE IT! Cheers, here's to us....and see you soon in the early morn Boomers.


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