Today is your day Boomer! We are a unique generation....we are at or nearing retirement, and according to "Every individual is different, but there are definitely trends within certain generations. Many Boomers at this point in time have reached retirement and are focusing on their grandchildren. In the past, Boomers been criticized for their lack of technology skills, but that is beginning to change as they get more comfortable with smartphones and other technology." With this in mind, here are 8 top New Year's resolutions for our generation: (1) Write a book (2) Learn how to play again (3) Travel internationally (4) Learn to play an instrument (5) Read fiction (6) Take a trip down memory lane...."if your parents are gone, take out the most prized possessions of theirs you own and reminisce. Take a look through some old photo albums, or read some old newspaper clippings. Examining our past can be bittersweet, but it is something that gives us empathy and fills us with love." (7) Open an art gallery (or start a creative business) (8) Host a foreign exchange student. Eight great ideas to challenge youself and kickstart your new year. Worth considering, perhaps? Cheers.


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