Today is your day Boomer! "You are never too old to start exercising.” And specifically, lifting weights! That is the main result from a new study that looked at Boomers and older seniors who started weight training for the first time. According to the study published in The Washington Post, "a new study of resistance exercise and the elderly found that even people in their 80s and 90s — who hadn’t weight trained before — showed significant gains after starting a supervised program of lifting weights three times a week. 'It shows that healthy older people can certainly respond to resistance training, that their muscles are still plastic,' says Tommy Lundberg, exercise researcher." Now, hold the phone for a moment. The research subjects were all healthy. Lunberg adds " anyone past about age 60 who’s interested in starting a new lifting or other exercise routine should probably check first with their doctor and then seek out training programs at a gym or community center specifically designed for older people." Hmmm, hmmm. Older Boomers, check with your doctor and get some good advice. But lift away...I do it three times a week, along with cardio and stretching in the gym. Cheers!


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