Today is your day Boomer! Yes Boomers, some of us are officially "seniors"....65 or older, and some may be so-called "junior-seniors", aged 55-65 or 60-65. But what most of have in common is a desire for lower product and service prices. We all know the cost of living is rising so much, so what can we do to find lower prices? SENIOR DISCOUNTS! Yes, they are out there....lots of them. A friend told me about a 20% seniors discount at a cannabis store where she buys CBD rub for her aches and pains. Many grocery and drug stores have "senior days" where 10% off is normal, I recently saw a movie on the big screen with surround sound on Seniors Monday(only 8 bucks!), and there are some discount days on BC Ferries! Oh, don't forget provincial park camping in B.C.....half price rates for seniors during the shoulder seasons(spring and fall!) Boomers, do some research, and ask around; I think there are more deals out there than you or I realize! Cheers!


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