Today is your day Boomer! A Boomer friend slipped on ice yesterday going to pickleball. She stepped out of her car and zoommmmmmm....fell quickly onto the hard parking lot. She was very sore but was lucky not to break any bones! This happens a lot in Canada. Almost 30,000 people suffer hip fractures every year in Canada, and most of them are Boomers and older seniors. What else? According to a new study, "More than 95% of hip fractures are caused by falling, usually by falling sideways. Women experience three-quarters of all hip fractures. Women fall more often than men. Women more often have osteoporosis, a disease that weakens bones and makes them more likely to break." Hmmmm....not encouraging. Some other info? "Falls are the No. 1 reason for injury-related death, hospitalization and emergency department visits for older adults in Canada." Winter is finally here Boomers! Get ready for massive snow storms, ice, and very cold temperatures across Canada in the next week. Proper grippy boots and/or ice spikes will keep you UP on your feet, not DOWN. Good luck.


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