Today is your day Boomer! Heavy snow and extreme cold is double-trouble for Boomers....especially Boomers with a history of heart disease. It comes down to the simple risk of snow shoveling. Yup, moving too much snow over a short time. According to, "picking up a shovel and moving hundreds of pounds of snow, particularly after doing nothing physical for several months, can put a big strain on the heart. Pushing a heavy snow blower can do the same thing. Cold weather is another contributor because it can boost blood pressure, interrupt blood flow to part of the heart, and make blood more likely to form clots." Heart attack! Yes, the number of attacks increases over the winter months as people become more sedentary. So, read the list of cardiologist safety tips in this picture...and maybe follow some or all of them Boomers. Oh, there is one other option--get someone else to do the work for you. For example, pay a teen to tackle your heavy snow loads. Good luck Boomers!


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