Today is your day Boomer! I don't really know if this is a new trend or not....but I'll put it out there! Fitness classes at gyms specifically for Boomers. Yup, workout sessions geared for 55+ age group and I mean well-rounded approches thay focus on cardio, balance, stretching, and weights. In other words, kind of perfect for our age group who should do these things almost daily. Gloria is 84 and she goes regularly: "This is the best place ever; it's geared towards us guys. We are not here to be body beautiful we are here to be healthy body. If you look around a lot of us would be in nursing homes if we weren't here.”(Castanet News) And one of the personal trainers Don MacLeod agrees: "Anybody can do it; it's basic strength training so anybody can start this and then branch off into whatever they want, but we are focussed mainly on senior's type of exercises.” As well, the Boomers intermingle with younger members of the fitness facility, which provides some inspiration for all age groups. I like it! Boomers, is this worth a try for you? Cheers.


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