Today is your day Boomer! Some people do crazy things....even when it is cold, very cold! This morning, it was minus 28 when I got up and yet I'm sure some Boomers went skiing. Or maybe a motorcycle ride??!! The two main risks are frostbite and hypothermia....the latter can kill you. So, how to prepare properly for these extreme temperatures? According to the National Weather Service, here are some main "dress" tips: (1)Wear layers of loose-fitting and lightweight clothing. Trapped air between the layers will insulate you. (2)If doing strenuous outdoor activities, avoid wearing cotton. Once wet, cotton takes a long time to dry and will sap your heat. Use synthetic fabrics that wick moisture from your skin and dry quickly. (3)Outer garments should be tightly woven, water repellent, and hooded. (4)Wear a hat, because 40%of your body heat can be lost from your head. (5)Cover your mouth to protect your lungs from extreme cold. (6)Mittens, snug at the wrist, are better than gloves. (7)Try to stay dry and out of the wind. Better yet, stay inside...just for a few more days! Cheers.


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