Today is your day Boomer! They call it "exercise snacks"....and no, we are not talking about food. We focus today on short periods of heavy physical energy; more on this from Dr. Jane Thornton: "Essentially, we think about these short bursts of intense physical activity as being something that's lower volume, so it doesn't take up quite as much time; but it's usually a little bit more intense." And here is one recent study that supports this: "A 2022 study co-authored by Gibala tracked 25,241 British non-exercisers who engaged in three one-to two-minute sessions of vigorous physical activity throughout their day, showing a 38 per cent to 40 per cent reduction in "all-cause and cancer mortality."( Oh, sounds good! Examples? Walking stairs, going steeply uphill on a treadmill, standing burpees or air squats. Doctors say this brief "intense" activity can be just as good for you as those 30-minute daily "moderate" walks. Boomers, should we try? Or how about a combination of both? Cheers to our health!


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