Today is your day Boomer! There is a lot of misunderstanding and criticism of Boomers out there in the social media world. I know because I do quite a bit of research for this blog...and I share my blog thoughts on Facebook and Instagram. Younger generations even like to taunt us with expressions like "Hey Boomer"! But there are some things that many people just don't realize when it comes to our aging, but sprited generation. According to, here are 7 of them: (1) We are Online – and in Great Numbers.....over 80% of Boomers access the internet and social media every day. (2) We are Turning 65. Yup, many of us are now officially "senior citizens" and we qualify for pensions like CPP and OAS. (3) We are Increasingly Foreign Born. More and more immigrants are coming to Canada and many are aging. (4) We are Thrifty: "While not cheap, Boomers don’t believe in spending money needlessly. 79% of Baby Boomers believe that store brands are an excellent option instead of name brands." (5) We are Highly Educated. We come from an era that emphasized college, university, tech schools, and trades as an essential part of life. (6) We are Supporting our Adult Children. Over 60% of Boomers do this, for a variety of reasons. (7) We are Not the Stereotypical “Senior Citizens.” "Many Boomers are still quite active and energetic. Just because the Boomer population is aging doesn’t mean they’re necessarily slowing down. Baby Boomers are expected to influence the world for decades to come." Wow, I like that last statement. Boomers, like it or not, THIS IS US! Agree, disagree???


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