Today is your day Boomer! We're number one....we're number one! Uh, more Boomers. Stats Canada says those darn Millennials, born between 1981 and 1996, have taken over top spot in Canada's population. We, the Baby Boomers, dominated for 65 years are now in 2nd place. Boo hoo. Those young whipper snappers(aged 27-43) now own 23% of the population; WE....used to be as high as 40%, and the experts say Millennials will never get to that level. Okay, why the change? Well, we are getting older and with age comes death. As for the Millennials, their population is being bolstered by ever-increasing immigration; according to Global News, "From July 1, 2022, to July 1, 2023, the millennial population increased by 457,354, exclusively due to the arrival of permanent and temporary immigrants." But Boomers, this is good, right? Think about it. They are in the prime of their working lives and are paying big taxes, and....making major contributions to pension plans like CPP(which most of us access!). We need the younger generations to support us in our advancing age....more money for health care, senior homes, low-middle income housing, community centres, and recreation facilities. So, go....go Millennials. With numbers, come influence and power...and more responsibility! Good luck.


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