Today is your day Boomer! When I go to my local fitness centre 2-3 times a week, I often see exercising seniors in the pool. There is a large viewing window, so I can watching master swimmers doing laps or 40-50 seniors in the Recope Program. What is that, you ask? "Recope is a non-profit organization that has been serving the District of Summerland since 1976. It provides medically designed and supervised therapeutic exercise programs for adults with medical challenges."( I admire these men and women, most of whom are beyond Boomer age...well into their late 70's, 80's, and 90's. They go hard for over an hour! I watch, and I wonder how I can avoid a similar fate. The health experts say continue regular exercise(moderate cardio every day with light weight training twice a week), good balanced meals, small amounts of alchol, no smoking, regular doctor checkups, and a good, positive life outlook. Did I miss anything? Don't think so, but I know you will let me know. Back to Recope, you see two instructors at a time: one for water standees and one for water floaters. Everyone gets a good workout with big smiles on their faces! Boomers, cheers to a good life at any age!


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