Today is your day Boomer! How much would you pay to watch the greatest golfer in the world play? A lot, right? Tiger Woods, because of numerous injuries over his career, only plays once a month now....usually at "major" tournaments like the U.S. Open. pay all that money and follow him around all day, fighting with massive crowds, and then you do what is portrayed in this picture. Instead of enjoying the moment...the sounds, the live sights of a legend swinging a golf hustle for a picture or a video. Look at the picture again; this is what our world has come to! A recording of a special moment is obviously more important than actually experiencing it live! In my opinion, this is sad, sad, sad! Yes, I say, try for one pic/vid of Tiger and then put the phone away! Just enjoy the atmosphere....It's likely a "once-in-a-lifetime" moment that should savoured and enjoyed in your memory. Boomers, let's live for the moment....the now. Cheers!


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