Today is your day Boomer! I have written over 700 blogs on this page, so needless to say, I spend a lot of time searching the net for Baby Boomer info. I came upon this advice on Facebook a few days ago and you can take it or leave it. Here is the abbreviated version. Advice for Boomers 60 years of age or older: (1)It's time to use the money you saved; use and enjoy it! (2)Stop worrying about the financial situation of your children and grandkids. (3)Keep a healthy life without great physical effort; do moderate exercise. (4)Try not to dwell on daily aches and pain; accept them as part of life. (5)Speak in courteous tones and try not to criticize and complain too much. (6)Don't stress over the little things in life; feel good in the now. (7)Enjoy your time and money together with your partner; love is most important! (8)Be proud; maintain your outer appearance, so you'll feel better about yourself on the inside. All these come from a social media guy named Tim Lewis. Thanks Tim, whoever you are. Boomers, some of these recommendations we can take to heart! Cheers and thanks for reading my blog!


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