Today is your day Boomer! I really enjoy my once-weekly blah, blah, blah sessions with my Boomer buddies. We meet at Tims on Thursdays for coffee and sometimes dougnuts and blab away the morning for about 90 minutes. Often we arrive to a packed restaurant and leave just before lunch time! By the way, the most dominant group there(by far!) is grey-haired. We talk politics, weather, recreation, family, and local issues/events.....but, there is one topic we really need to improve upon. We always talk medical issues...we do it first and it is lengthy and we almost do a round-the-table "me-hurt" session. I am very guilty of this as I croon over my recent leg injuries and how they greatly affect my lifestyle! Otherwise, we hear about hearts, valves, knees, stomachs, hips, prostrates, extra weight, and the list goes on and on. Boys...some of you read my blog and I say it is time for a change! Less talk on health and way more talk on golf, skiing, family, and friends should be our new focus. It is when we laugh the most...and humour is a main reason why I come to these gatherings. Let's focus on the positives in life and great retirement years ahead! Blah, blah, blah....and cheers, cheers, cheers to us!


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