Today is your day Boomer! This picture is an eye opener Boomers, especially as warm weather is upon us and we head out into nature for hiking, biking, walking, and camping. A lot of these "garbage" items take mega-years to break down, so read the headlines carefully. That reminds me; how environmentally conscious is our generation? According to, "Concerning sustainability, they prefer brands that are trustworthy, credible, and environmentally conscious in their production processes. And based on a study "Shaping the Future Together" by the Prognos Institute and Kantar Public, baby boomers are more sustainable in their behavior compared to Gen Z. The study found that 81% of boomers waste less food, water, and energy and avoid plastic bags to reduce waste. Additionally, 49% are foregoing air travel for the environment. This frugality is attributed to their personal history and their childhood and youth not being characterized by abundance." Okay, we look pretty good compared to some other generations! Let's stick to the plan and leave this world in good shape for the youth. Cheers!


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