Today is your day Boomer! Today may be a good day for drinking, afterall it is St. Patricks Day, but any day is a good day for reading! Boomers do a ton of reading compared to other generations; here are some stats from a recent study done by 58% of Boomers are "avid readers" 2nd place behind the 58% older Silent Generation. 75% of us have local libray cards vs Generation X (79%) and our number one reading genre is "thrillers" at 43%. That's my favourite, but my wife likes to stick to non-fiction. But I think what is even more interesting is what books can do for you physically and mentally. Check out the book/reading facts on this picture....for example, how reading reduces stress and how it helps us live longer! I agree with this last one as reading words sharpens our mind, makes us think and imagine, and helps keep the dreaded "dementia" at bay in our aging brains! Boomers...books, books, books! It's good for us, so keep on page turning. Cheers and maybe have a green beer with your favourite novel today.


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