Today is your day Boomer! It is Earth Week Boomers....and yesterday was officially our world's 54th Earth Day! Did you get outside and do something "earthy" in celebration? I think there are two schools of thought here:(1)you remain quite negative and fatalistic about your planet and the effects of humans and climate change.....or,(2)you remain optmistic about the future of our home globe and are committed to doing everything you can to help. The latest poll states that "young men" are the most negative: "A third of Millennial and Gen Z men say it is too late to do anything about climate change, compared to less than one in five Baby Boomer men and women."( Many people don't know what to do....but the same website has this advice: "People do want to help in limiting the effects of climate change. In all countries people are more likely to say if everyone made small changes in their everyday lives this could have a big impact. They overestimate the importance of recycling and underestimate the impact of acts like not having a car or going vegan. Having easy access to information on steps to take in fighting the climate crisis is viewed as of one biggest ways in getting people to take more action." I say....keep doing the everyday individual little things Boomers, and pressure politicians to do the big changes! Cheers....


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