Today is your day Boomer! I haven't been to Hawaii in five years and Mexico even longer....but one thing I love to do is walk barefoot on the beaches. I, especially, like to kick my feet on the water's edge....but a BIG WARNING from a doctor for Boomers who love to do this! According to Kelowna's Dr. Issa Ephtimios, this is a big no, no: "During my extensive travels, I have found uncapped intravenous needles on beaches,” he says. “Further, there is a parasitic disease known as cutaneous larva migrant (CLM) that can be transmitted on the beach from stray dogs and it has the potential to penetrate the skin and cause a severe, itchy rash." Yikes and gross at the same time. What else? He states “The same thing can happen if you lay on the beach in your bathing suit without using a towel underneath." Okay, my beach options just took a big hit. Boomers, should we believe this guy? He is the medical lead for infectious diseases at Kelowna General Hospital! Maybe a trip to Iceland or northern Russia next winter instead? Son of a beach....


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