Today is your day Boomer! It is one of my favourite all-time is Dumb and Dumber from 1994, and it reminds of numerous events in the news today! (1) 18 campfires were discovered in the Okanagan recently despite a lengthy, well-advertised ban and an extremely-dangerous forest fire season (2) A 20-year-old college student fell 400 feet to his death BASE jumping at the Grand Canyon (3) A man in his 20s died after cliff jumping at Twin Falls in Lynn Canyon, near Vancouver. There have been 40 deaths in the past 50 years at this location. (4) A 14-year-old boy died after falling overboard in Lake Huron and becoming tangled in the boat’s propeller Tuesday morning. Many of these incidents are, of course, very preventable. Boomers, let's all be smart and careful, take minimal risks and enjoy our beautiful summer with family and friends. Cheers!


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