Today is your day Boomer! Is this picture kind of like you Boomer? Are you a victim of Baby Boomer bulge....that annoying weight gain around your waist that never used to be there when you were younger? From the University of Alberta, here is more info on your extra fat and what you can do about it: "As hormone levels drop (testosterone in men, and progesterone and estrogen in women), the body's fat distribution shifts from subcutaneous-the fat under the skin that is spread evenly over the body-to visceral fat that protects aging internal organs and gathers around the mid-section. As well, muscle mass, which helps burn fat, starts to shrink. Other contributing culprits to weight gain include genetics-the body's natural instinct to hoard calories-and stress, which also tells the body to store energy for times of need." Which basically means when we hit middle age, we start to gain about one kilogram per year! Yikes! What to do? Well, more exercise and a better diet of course. "Heart-pumping aerobic exercise helps ward off midlife muffin tops and resistance training boosts aging muscles." In other words, use it or lose it. Also...."We expend less energy as we age, and especially if you aren't exercising or have a job where you do a lot of sitting, it's good to reduce your calories, bit by bit. When we might have once needed 2,000 daily calories, we may now only require 1,700, so those extra calories you take in over a year can eventually result in an extra five or 10 kilograms." So, start cutting back gradually, eat more fruits and veggies, and fewer processed goods. Boomer....the bulge battle is on. Take action on that tummy and feel better. Cheers!


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