Today is your day Boomer! We spent the final weekend of September camping at a beautiful lake in the southern BC interior.....joining many Boomers who like to "camp camp" in the cooler, less-busy spring and fall seasons. Positives: mixed sun and cloud weather made for good camping conditions, visited with friends and spent time hiking and eating with them, saw a beautiful in-forest waterfall, went fishing...twice, our dogs got lots of walks, used our travel trailer one final time, the BC Parks campground was in great shape, we paid the half-price rate of 11.50$, and had time for naps and reading. Negatives: the crowds arrived on Friday night and the noise level skyrocketed, generators....ahhh! generators, we had numerous mice invade our trailer, my one younger dog barked at everything and anybody, fire wood cost 12$ for a bundle of seven, I caught zero fish...not even a bite, and I suffered all 4 days with a severe tooth ache! Boomers, the good, bad and ugly of camping. Expect the unexpected! Cheers.


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