Today is your day Boomer! Quite often, I play pickleball twice a week in the winter....and the majority of players I see are grey-haired Boomers and/or seniors. But, things are changing! Check out this graph and realize (at least in America) that young people are taking over the sport! The age 25-34 group has taken over p-ball, with seniors now second: "In 2023, every age group recorded year-over-year growth, dispelling the myth that pickleball is primarily a game for older players." And according to website, the sport is just exploding with new and returning players: "in a new report entitled 2024 State of Pickleball: Participation & Infrastructure Report by SFIA, participation surged by 51.8% between 2022 and 2023 alone, and an incredible 223.5% over the past three years." Again, these are American numbers. But Boomers, I bet the same is true for Canada. It seems to be taking over. By the way, most courts(67%) are outdoor but that is changing as more and more indoor bubbles are popping up to meet the extreme demand. Try it Boomers; it is a great game and is easy to learn. Cheers!


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