Today is your day Boomer! Sorry about all the "new gym" stories Boomers, but it was a huge deal in my life. Something different? How about an old-guy Beatle singing country and making a new album at age 84? Yup, Ringo Starr is set to release his 20th album in the new year. It is called "Look Up" and features a lot of twang and steel guitar. But is this new for Ringo? He says he has always had at least one sort-of "country" song on all his albums....and even dating back to his Beatle' days, songs like "Don't Pass Me By" on the White Album were a little country. His country roots go way back: "Liverpool, it’s the capital of country music in England because a lot of I think it stems from it being a port, and why we got rock ‘n’ roll music physically, was because the lads on the boats would be going to America, they’d be going to Egypt, would be going all over. But they were bringing music in.”(The Associated Press) By the way, the album's first single has already been released. I listened to it,"Time on my Hands", and quite enjoyed the English accent with the country style. Beatle-loving Boomers, give it try. It's on YouTube. Cheers!


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